Cristina Lo Giudice

Associate Editor Nature Materials


Cristina Lo Giudice received her BSc in Chemistry and MSc in Materials Chemistry from the University of Catania (Italy). After a short stay at Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), working on scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, she completed her PhD at the Centre for BioNano Interactions (Ireland), where she focused on nanoparticle biomolecular coronas and interactions between nanoparticles and cell receptors. She then moved to Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) as an EMBO fellow, where she continued her work on nanobiointerfaces with single molecule and single-cell biophysical methods, and later to the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (Germany) as a von Humboldt fellow, where she worked on biomaterial-cell interactions. At Nature Materials, which she joined in July 2022, Cristina handles manuscripts in broad areas of biomaterials, bioengineering, and nanomedicine.

All sessions by Cristina Lo Giudice

Panel discussion
03:30 PM
Niveen Khashab

Professor of Chemistry and Chair of Chemistry program

Teri W. Odom

Professor of Chemistry, Materials science and Engineering at Northwestern University

Erick Carreira

Professor of Organic Chemistry, Editor in Chief of JACS

Lisa Smith

Editor at Wiley

Cristina Lo Giudice

Associate Editor Nature Materials

Sara Durini

Scientific editor, KAUST Insight research communication

Enda Bergin

Chief Editor, Chemistry & Biotechnology, Nature Communication

Luis M. Liz-Marzan

Professor CIC biomaGUNE (BRTA), Spain
